Change the Narration (Part-5)

आज के इस पोस्ट में Change the Narration (Part-5) में Sentences which begin with ‘Let’ को Indirect Speech में किस प्रकार से Change किया जाता है, इसके बारे में विस्तारपूर्वक वर्णन किया गया है और साथ ही बहुत से Examples भी दिए गए हैं ताकि आपको समझने में आसानी हो सके। इसीलिए इस पोस्ट को ध्यान से पढ़ें और समझने का प्रयास करें।

Let से शुरू होने वाले sentences को Indirect Speech में बदलना

Let is used with different meanings. If the sentence within inverted commas begins with ‘Let’, In indirect speech; the reporting verb ‘said to’ is replaced according to the meaning of the sentence with words like suggested, requested, proposed, ordered, wished, told, etc.

1. When ‘Let’ gives the sense of proposal or suggestion:

Imperative Sentences जो ‘Let’ से शुरू होते हैं, यदि उनसे प्रस्ताव या सुझाव का बोध हो तो Indirect Speech में बदलने के नियम निम्नलिखित हैं-

1. हम Reporting Verb को proposed या suggested में बदलते हैं। यदि proposed या suggested के बाद कोई Object आया है तो उससे पहले ‘to’ का प्रयोग अवश्य करते हैं।

(We change the reporting verb into ‘proposed’ or ‘suggested’. If an object comes after proposed or suggested, then ‘to’ must be used before it.)

2. Inverted commas को हटा कर that लिख देते है।

(Remove the inverted commas and write ‘that’.)

3. अगर ‘Let’ के बाद us का प्रयोग हुआ है तो उसे अर्थ के अनुसार we या they में बदलते हैं।

(If ‘us’ is used after ‘Let’ then it is changed to ‘we or they’ according to the meaning.)

4. इसके बाद should+V1 का प्रयोग करते है।

(After this ‘should+V1’ is used.)

5. अन्य परिवर्तन साधारण वाक्य की तरह करते हैं।

(Make other changes like a simple sentence.)

He suggested to me………..✓✓✓

He proposed to me……..✓✓✓

He suggested me……….×××

He proposed me……….×××


Change the Narration (Part-5) Examples:

1. Direct: I said to her, “Let us go to market.”

Indirect: I suggested/proposed to her that they/we should go to market.

2. Direct: You said to me, “Let us play now.”

Indirect: You proposed to me that we should play then.

3. Direct: They said, “Let us wait a few minutes.”

Indirect: They suggested that they should wait a few minutes.

4. Direct: He said to me, “Let us go home.”

Indirect: He suggested to me that we should go home.

5. Direct: I said to my friend, “Let us go to some holy place.”

Indirect: I suggested to my friend that we should go to some holy place.

6. Direct: The players said, “Let us start the game.”

Indirect: The players proposed that they should start the game.

7. Direct: He said to his friends, “Let us move from here.”

Indirect: He proposed to his friends that they should move from there.

8. Direct: The patient said, “Let me take some water first.”

Indirect: The patient suggested that he should take some water first.

9. Direct: I said to them, “Let’s help the needy.”

Indirect: I suggested to them that we should help the needy.

10. Direct: I said to him, “Let’s attend the classes.”

Indirect: I proposed to him that we should attend the classes.

11. Direct: Mahak said to Mohan, “Let your mother do yoga everyday.”

Indirect: Mahak advised Mohan to let his mother do yoga everyday.

12. Direct: He said, “Let us wait for the result.”

Indirect: He proposed that they should wait for the result.

13. Direct: He said to me, “Let us purchase this car.”

Indirect: He suggested to me that we should purchase that car.

14. Direct: I said to him, “Let us go to the river for swimming.”

Indirect: I proposed to him that we should go to the river for swimming.

15. Direct: My sister said, “Let us go for a walk in the fresh air.”

Indirect: My sister suggested that we should go for a walk in the fresh air.

Note-1. यदि Reporting Speech के subject या object में 1st person Pronouns (I, we, me,us) हैं तो Indirect speech बनाते समय that के बाद subject के रूप में ‘We’ का प्रयोग करते हैं।

 Direct: He said to his friends, “Let us go to cinema.”

Indirect: He proposed to his friends that they should go to cinema.

2. जिन वाक्यों में Reported Speech की शुरुआत ‘Let us’ से होती है उन वाक्यों में Proposal या Suggestion होता है।

3. कुछ ऐसी verbs होती हैं जिनके बाद एक human being (indirect object) को object बना कर नहीं रखा जा सकता। जैसे-said, suggested

4. Suggested के बाद ‘to’ लगाकर फिर किसी human being को लिखिए।

For example-

Mohan said to his friends, ” Let’s sing.”

Mohan suggested to his friends that they should sing.

(क्योंकि बात मोहन वह उसके दोस्तों की हो रही है इसीलिए Let us को they में convert किया जाएगा।)

Note- इस sentence में suggestion दिया जा रहा है इसीलिए  ‘suggested’ verb का प्रयोग किया जाएगा और इसके साथ हमेशा ‘to’ का प्रयोग किया जाएगा।

2.  ‘Suggest’ verb के बाद या तो gerund आएगा या that लगाकर clause बनाया जाएगा (should के साथ)। ‘Suggest’ verb के बाद Infinitive कभी नहीं आता।

He suggested to Ram buying a car. ✓✓✓

He suggested to Ram that he should buy a car. ✓✓✓

He suggested to Ram to buy a car. ×××

3. Order, advice, request ये सभी Di transitive verb है इनके बाद verb को Infinitive बना कर प्रयोग किया जा सकता है परन्तु suggest verb के साथ ऐसा नहीं है।

Let से Wish या Desire का बोध होने वाले sentences को Indirect Speech में बदलना

When ‘Let’ gives the sense of wish/desire:

1. यदि Let से शुरू होने वाले वाक्य से किसी इच्छा का भाव व्यक्त हो, तब ‘Reporting Verb’ को Wished में change कर दिया जाता है।

(If the sentence starting with ‘Let’ expresses a wish, then the reporting verb is changed to wished.)

2. Inverted commas को हटा कर that लिख देते है।

(Remove the inverted commas and write ‘that’.)

3. इसके बाद should+V1 का प्रयोग करते है।

(After this ‘should+V1’ is used.)

4. अन्य परिवर्तन साधारण वाक्य की तरह करते हैं।

(Make other changes like a simple sentence.)


1. Direct: He said, “Let me know this matter.”

He wished that he should know that matter.

2. Direct: The boy said, “Let me take a rest.”

Indirect: The boy wished that he should take a rest.

3. Direct: She said, “Let me take two dresses.”

Indirect: She wished that she should take two dresses.

4. Direct: Ritika said, “Let me have a cup of tea.”

Indirect: Ritika wished that she should have a cup of tea.

5. Direct: I said, “Let her be my teacher.”

Indirect: I wished that she should be my teacher.

6. Direct: Kiran said, “Let me go out.”

Indirect: Kiran wished that she should go out.

7. Direct: She said, “Let him be my friend.”

Indirect: She wished that he should be her friend.

3. यदि ‘Let’ से शुरू होने वाले वाक्य में अनुमति का बोध हो तो reporting verb को ordered/requested में change करते हैं। Inverted commas तथा Let को हटा देते हैैं तथा इनके स्थान पर to allow या to let का प्रयोग करते हैं।

(1). प्रार्थना (Request)

यदि Let वाले वाक्य से प्रार्थना का भाव निकल रहा हो तो उस sentence में ‘let us’ नहीं होगा। उस में us की बजाय me/him/her आदि होगा।

(If the sentence with ‘Let’ conveys the meaning of prayer, then there will not be ‘let us’ in that sentence. Instead of ‘us’, it will have me/him/her, etc.)

1. Reporting verb को requested में बदलते है।

(Change the reporting verb into requested.)

2. Let को to let या to allow में बदलते है या फिर Let के स्थान पर that लगाकर noun या pronoun के साथ might be allowed to लिखकर verb की 1st form लगाते हैं।

( Change let to ‘to let’ or ‘to allow’ or put ‘that’ in place of Let and write ‘might be allowed to’ along with noun or pronoun and use 1st form of the verb.)

For example-

1. Direct: He said to me, “Please let me go now.”

Indirect: He requested me to let him go then. (In modern English) OR

Indirect: He requested me that he might be allowed to go then.

2. Direct: He said to his officer, “Let me go home.”

Indirect: He requested his officer to let him go home. OR

He requested his officer that he might be allowed to go home.

3. Direct: He said to his tutor, “Let me go home early today.”

Indirect: He requested his tutor to allow him to go home early that day.

4. Direct: They said to Geeta, “Let us see your dresses.”

Indirect: They requested Geeta to allow them to see her dresses.

5. Direct: The mother said to the grandmother, “Let me cook the food.”

Indirect: The mother requested the grandmother to let her cook the food.

6. Direct: The girl said to his brother, “Let me play with your toys.”

Indirect: The girl requested his brother to let her play with his toys.

7. Direct: The student said to the teacher, “Let me go home.”

Indirect: The student requested the teacher to allow him to go home.

8. The student said, ” Let me come in.”

The student requested that he might be allowed to come in.

The student requested her to let him come in

Note- request verb के बाद किसी object का आना जरूरी है इसलिए ‘her’ को अपनी तरफ से लगाया गया है।

जब कोई sentence ‘let there be’ से शुरू होता है तो हम निम्न प्रकार से उस वाक्य को बनाते हैं-

8. Direct: He said, “Let there be no inquiry into my case.”

Indirect: He requested that there should be no inquiry into his case.

(2) Order

When the meaning of ‘Let’ is to order

1. हम reporting verb को ordered में बदलते हैं।

(We change the reporting verb into ordered.)

2. हम reported speech की शुरुआत ‘to’ से करते हैं।

(We begin the reported speech with ‘to’.)

For example-

1. Direct: The king said, “Let the man be set free.”

Indirect: The king ordered that the man should be set free.

2. Direct: The officer said to the staff, “Let the meeting begin.”

Indirect: The officer ordered the staff to let the meeting begin.

3. Direct: Father said to his son, “Let him do it.”

Indirect: Father ordered his son to let him do that.

4. Direct: The bank manager said to the peon, “Let the customers enter.”

Indirect: The bank manager ordered the peon to allow the customers to enter.

5. Direct: The commander said to his soldiers, “Let the terrorists kill.”

Indirect: The commander ordered his soldiers to let the terrorists kill.

6. The officer said to the clerk, “Let me know everything.”

The officer ordered the clerk to let him know everything.


आशा करते है कि आपको ये आर्टिकल अच्छा लगा होगा और इस आर्टिकल की सहायता से आपको Change the Narration (Part-5) Sentences which begin with ‘Let’ को समझने में काफी मदद मिली होगी। अगर आपके मन में कोई सवाल हो तो आप हमें नीचे कमेंट में पूछ सकते है। इस आर्टिकल को आप अपने मित्रों के साथ सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर जरूर करें।

Read More Posts:

Change the Narration

Change the Narration (Part 2)

Change the Narration (Part 3)

Change the Narration (Part 4)

2 thoughts on “Change the Narration (Part-5)

  1. I do agree with all the ideas you’ve presented in your post. They’re very convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are too short for beginners. Could you please extend them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.

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