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Trees are on the Earth even before the existence of humans. It is said that the presence of trees dates back to 5000 years ago. Trees are the most essential part of our Earth. Without trees, no life is possible on Earth. Trees can live without our support but we cannot live without trees. The entire ecosystem depends on trees. They provide us our life’s two basic need i.e., food and oxygen. They play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of nature by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen through photosynthesis. They provide us food, wood, fresh air and shelter to animals and birds. We are totally dependent on them and this dependence helps us realize the importance of trees.
Importance of trees in our lives
1. Oxygen and Global Warming
Like human beings, trees also breathe. The only difference is that humans and animals intake oxygen and give out carbon dioxide, whereas trees inhale carbon dioxide and various other harmful gases and exhale oxygen which is needed for human beings and animals to survive. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases. This and other greenhouse gases, when released into the atmosphere create a layer and trap the heat from the sun. As a result, the temperature of the atmosphere increases. This causes global warming. So, planting more trees will lessen the impact of global warming and purify the air.
2. Economic Value
Trees also hold significant economic value. Fruits and medicines made from trees are sold to many nations and contribute to economic progress. Paper and wood come from trees which contribute greatly to many businesses and keep the economy running.
3. Environment
Trees also keep the environment natural. They act as a natural air conditioner in the heat. More is the number of trees, more cooler is the environment. It can help you to reduce AC bills. Trees play a significant role in our lives and the environment, providing a seamless service.
4. Healthy Life
Trees provide clean air, water, and food to us. Its greenery and freshness also act as a stress reliever for us. It gives a positive vibe in the atmosphere. Trees also give shelter and cool sheds during summers and rainy seasons. Children also develop good memory when surrounded by green trees. Studies have shown that patients who come into contact with nature recover quickly. The fresh fruits and vegetables produced by trees help us in improving our eyesight and better growth of the body and brain. There are many benefits that trees offer us for a better quality of life.
5. Water balance
The water from the reservoirs gets evaporated and again falls on Earth in the form of rain.This rainwater is captured by trees and stored in the ground. By doing this , clean water is kept from running and from wasting in sewers. Along with it, they also act as watersheds. They hold the floodwaters for some time, and then slowly release them into the Earth and atmosphere. In this way, they maintain the water base of an area and provide us with a water bed. The root system of the trees holds the soil underground from getting washed away during rain and floods and prevents it from soil erosion. It also prevents landslides in the same way.
6. Ecosystem
Trees support a diverse, healthy ecosystem. Animals, insects, birds, and fungi make their home in the trees and make a diverse ecosystem. At the bottom of the food chain, trees produce their own food. Through a process known as photosynthesis, they manufacture their own food and contribute significantly to the whole ecosystem. In addition, trees are a rich source of medicines that are used to heal our diseases in a natural way as done in Ayurveda.
In conclusion, the importance of trees in our lives is immeasurable. They are crucial for the environment, support biodiversity, enhance our quality of life, and provide valuable resources. But, we have somehow not protected them and perhaps that is why on today, we have been affected by global warming, severe pollution levels, and other ill effects of deforestation. So, it is imperative that we recognize the significance of trees and take proactive measures to protect and conserve them as well as encourage others to plant more and more trees.
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