Mixed Conditionals

Sometimes, the two parts of a conditional sentence refer to different times. This is called mixed conditionals.

(जब दोनों घटनाओं का Time frame अलग-अलग हो तब 3rd और 2nd को mix करके sentence formation की जाती है।)

Before we delve into mixed conditionals, it’s important to understand the four main types of conditionals in English: zero, first, second, and third.

Zero Conditional-

To talk about facts or true events

Exp. If you heat ice, it melts.

First Conditional-

To talk about possible situations in the future

Exp. If it rains, we will stay at home.

Second Conditional-

To talk about hypothetical or unreal events in the present or future

Exp. If I had a million dollars, I would buy a house.

 Third Conditional-

To talk about hypothetical situations in the past

Exp- If he had studied more, he would have passed the exam.

Now that we have reviewed the four main types of conditionals, let’s explore mixed conditionals.

Mixed conditionals are a combination of two different types of conditional Sentiments, usually the second and third conditionals. They are used to express the relationship between an unreal or hypothetical situation in the past and its possible consequences in the present or vice versa. The two parts of a mixed conditional sentence refer to different times.

( मिश्रित सशर्त वाक्य दो अलग-अलग प्रकार के सशर्त वाक्यों का एक संयोजन है, आमतौर पर दूसरा और तीसरा सशर्त वाक्य। इनका उपयोग अतीत में किसी अवास्तविक या काल्पनिक स्थिति और वर्तमान में इसके संभावित परिणामों या इसके विपरित के बीच संबंध को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है। मिश्रित सशर्त वाक्य के दो भाग अलग-अलग समय को संदर्भित करते हैं।)


Mixed Conditionals

How to form Mixed Conditionals in English

To form mixed conditionals, you must combine past and present tense elements. Let’s have a look-

There are two main types of mixed conditionals:

1. Past result of a present condition:

If + type 2 conditional, type 3 conditional

In this type of mixed conditional, the if-clause describes a condition in the present (which is contrary to fact), while the main clause describes a result or consequence in the past. For example:

If she were here, she would have helped us with the project. ( Present condition, past result)

2. Present result of a past condition:

If + type 3 conditional, type 2 conditional)

In this type of mixed conditional, the if clause describes a condition in the past, while the main clause describes a result or consequence in the present. For example:

If I had studied harder, I would have a better job now. ( Past condition, present result)

Note-Mixed conditional, semi closed और closed को mix करके बनाये जाते हैं। Conditional 3rd और Conditional 2nd को तब mixed up किया जाता है जब दोनों घटनाओं के घटने का समय अलग-अलग हो। अगर दोनों घटनाएं past में घटी है तो Conditional 3rd प्रयोग होता है। अगर दोनों घटनाएं present में घटी है तो Conditional 2nd का प्रयोग होगा। अगर एक घटना past की है और दूसरी present की तो mixed conditional का प्रयोग करके sentence को बनाया जाएगा।

Mixed conditional type-1

If+sub.+( were+noun/had+noun/V2), sub.+would/could/might have+V3


जब imagination unreal करनी हो परंतु बात past के result की करनी हो तब past के result के लिए Closed व unreal imagination के लिए semi closed का प्रयोग किया जाता है।


अगर वह एक पक्षी होता तो उस दिन जेल से भाग जाता।

He would have escaped from the prison that day if he had been a bird. ×××

He would have escaped from the prison that day if he were a bird. ✓✓✓

अगर मैं तुम्हारी जगह होती, तो मैं पार्टी में गयी होती।

If I were you, I would have gone to the party.

अगर मैं डॉक्टर होती, तो मैंने उसे बचा लिया होता।

If I were a doctor, I would have saved his life.

अगर तुम अच्छे वक्ता होते, तो तुम्हें वो नौकरी मिल गई होती।

If you were a good speaker, you would have got that job.

अगर मैं अमीर होती, तो कल मैंने वो कार खरीद ली होती।

If I were rich, I would have bought that car yesterday.

अगर वह तुम्हारी जगह होती, तो उसने और अच्छी पढ़ाई की होती।

If she were you, she would have studied harder.

अगर मैं एक पुलिस ऑफिसर होता, तो कल उन गुण्डों को सबक सिखा देता।

If I were a police officer, I would have taught a lesson to those goons.

अगर मेरी शादी नहीं हुई होती तो मैं उसका प्रस्ताव स्वीकार कर लेता।

If I were not married, I would have accepted her proposal.

यदि वह रूस में पैदा हुआ होता, तो तुम्हें रूसी लिखना सिखा देता।

If he were born in Russia, he would have taught you write Russian.

अगर तुम मेरे दोस्त होते, तो मुझसे झूठ नहीं बोलते

If you were my friend, you would not have told a lie to me.

यदि मैं अच्छा रसोइया होता, तो उन्हें दोपहर के भोजन पर आमंत्रित करता।

If I were a good cook, I would have invited them to lunch.

Note- Mixed Conditional type-1 तब प्रयोग किया जाता है जब कोई घटना तो past की हो लेकिन उसके ‘if’ वाले part में कोई unrealistic बात लिख रखी हो जैसे- अगर मैं शेर होता ( जो कि होना असंभव है) तो if वाले part को semi closed में बदला जाएगा।

2. Unrealistic condition को कभी भी had+V3 के formation के साथ प्रयोग नहीं किया जा सकता।

3. अगर condition वाले part में had+V3 है तो वह बात realistic होनी चाहिए।

4. Semi closed हमेशा unreal imagination के लिए आता है ‌‌। ये imagination present की होती है।

Mixed conditional type-2

If+sub.+ had+V3, sub.+would/could/might+V1

(Closed+semi closed)

अगर कोई काम past में हो चुका है और उसकी imagination का effect present में लेना हो तो result clause में would/could/might+V1 आएगा।


If you had taken proper rest, you would not have been tired now.×××

If you had taken proper rest, you would not be tired now. √√√

अगर तुमने proper rest किया होता तो तुम अभी थके हुए ना होते।

अगर आपने तब मेरी मदद की होती तो मैं अब तुम्हारी मदद करता।

If you had helped me then, I would have helped you now. ×××

If you had helped me then, I would help you now. ✓✓✓

यदि भारत ने पहले ही अपने विनिर्माण क्षेत्र पर काम किया होता, तो आज यह एक विकसित देश होता।

If India had worked on its manufacturing sector earlier, it would have been a developed country today. ×××

If India had worked on its manufacturing sector earlier, it would be a developed country today. ✓✓✓

अगर मैं उस दिन लॉटरी जीत गया होता तो अभी मैं अमीर होता।

If I had won the lottery that day, I would be rich now.


I would be rich now if I had won the lottery that day.

अगर उस दिन मैंने आपकी सलाह मानी होती, तो आज मैं मुसीबत में न होता।

If I had listened to your advice that day, I wouldn’t be in trouble today.

अगर आपने मुझे उस दिन नहीं बचाया होता, तो मैं आज जीवित नहीं होता।

I would not have been alive today if you had not saved me that day. ×××

I would not be alive today if you had not saved me that day. ✓✓✓

अगर मैंने कल दवाई न खाई होती, तो अभी मेरे सिर में दर्द होता।

If I hadn’t taken the medicine yesterday, I would have a headache now.

अगर कल रात तुम समय से सो जाते, तो अभी तुम इतने थके हुए न होते।

If you had slept on time last night, you wouldn’t be so tired.

अगर तुमने मुझसे शादी की होती, तो आज खुश होती।

If you had married me, you would be happy today.

अगर मैंने स्कूल में कड़ी मेहनत की होती, तो अब मेरे पास बेहतर नौकरी होती।

If I had worked harder at school, I would have a better job now.

Note- Mixed Conditional type-2 का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब condition तो past की हो लेकिन उसका result present में show करना हो।

जब हम conditional 3 का प्रयोग करते है तो उसमें condition past में रखी जाती है और result भी past में आ चुका होता है।Closed conditional का result present में नहीं दिखाया जा सकता। लेकिन कई बार situation के according हमें past की condition का result past में ना दिखाकर present में दिखाना होता है तब इसके लिए हमें mixed conditional type-2 का प्रयोग करना पड़ता है।


Mix conditional type-1 is used to show unreal imagination in the past. Mix conditional type-2 is used to show the result of past condition in the present.

Mixed conditionals are an essential aspect of English grammar that allows us to express complex thoughts and ideas. Mastering mixed conditionals can greatly enhance your ability to express hypothetical situations more accurately and effectively. Don’t be afraid to practice and make mistakes- that’s how we learn.

Related Post:

Conditional Sentences


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