Learn all about the Passive Voice of Imperative Sentences (Passive voice- Part 3) and their usage in sentences.
The way of converting imperative sentences into passive voice is a bit different than that for ordinary sentences. In imperative sentences, the subject is not directly mentioned. Hence, passive voice for imperative sentences also has no directly-mentioned subject in the sentence.
( Imperative sentences को passive voice में बदलने का तरीका सामान्य वाक्यों के मुकाबले थोड़ा अलग है। आज्ञासूचक वाक्य में, subject का सीधे उल्लेख नहीं किया जाता है। इसलिए imperative sentences के passive voice में भी कोई सीधे उल्लेखित विषय नहीं होता है।)
Introduction of imperative sentences:
Order/command, suggestion, request, advice- All the sentences with these expressions are called Imperative Sentences.
An imperative sentence begins with a verb. Its subject is ‘you’ which is not mentioned.
(Order/command, suggestion, request, advice- इन सभी expressions के साथ जितने भी sentences होते हैं, उन्हें हम Imperative Sentences कहते हैं।
आज्ञासूचक वाक्य क्रिया से शुरू होता है। इसका विषय ‘आप’ होता है जिसका उल्लेख नहीं किया जाता है।)
Imperative sentences have different types of emotions- Order, Command, Request, Suggestion, and Advice. In passive voice of these sentences, we use different wordings with the subject as per the emotions of the sentence.
(Imperative वाक्य में अलग-अलग भाव होते है- आदेश, प्रार्थना, सुझाव, सलाह इत्यादि। इनका Passive Voice बनाने में वाक्य में प्रयुक्त भाव के अनुसार कर्ता के साथ अलग शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है।)
Speciality of Imperative Sentences
1. Imperative Sentences का कर्ता हमेशा ‘You’ होता है जोकि हमेशा छुपा रहता है।
2. ये हमेशा Present Indefinite Tense में होता है।
Active: Don’t disturb me, please.
Passive: You are requested not to disturb me.
Active: Start the program.
Passive: Let the program be started.
Active: Don’t lose courage.
Passive: Courage should not be lost.
Passive Voice of sentences containing the command
Active: V1+ object+ other words.
Passive: Let+ object+ be+ past participle (V3)
(In case of a transitive verb)
1. Active: Pack your bags quickly.
Passive: Let your bags be packed quickly.
2. Active: Don’t do it.
Passive: Let it not be done.
3. Active voice: Punish him.
Passive voice: Let him be published.
4: Active voice: Write the report.
Passive voice: Let the report be written.
5. Active voice: Allow her to enter.
Passive voice: Let her be allowed to enter.
6. Active voice: Do it at once.
Passive: Let it be done at once.
7. Active: Leave the room.
Passive: Let the room be left.
8. Active: Inform the police.
Passive: Let the police be informed.
9. Active: Put it down.
Passive: Let it be put down.
10. Active: Call him.
Passive: Let him be called.
Passive Voice of negative sentences containing the command
Active: (Don’t)+ V1+ object+ other words.
Passive: Let+ object + (not)+ be+ past participle (V3)
(In case of a transitive verb)
1. Active voice: Don’t tease her.
Passive voice: Let her not be teased.
2. Active voice: Don’t touch the equipment.
Passive voice: Let the equipment not be touched.
3. Active: Don’t tell a lie.
Passive: Let a lie not be told.
4. Active voice: Don’t touch her.
Passive voice: Let her not be touched.
5. Active: Do not beat the dog.
Passive: Let the dog not be beaten.
Passive Voice of Sentences containing order
You are ordered (not)+ to+V1+ object+ other words.
( In case of Intransitive/ transitive verb)
1. Active: Walk on the footpath.
Passive: You are ordered to walk on the footpath.
2. Active: Ring the bell.
Passive: You are ordered to ring the bell.
3. Active: Shut up!
Passive: You are ordered to shut up.
4. Active: Go from here.
Passive: You are ordered to go from here.
5. Active: Don’t come.
Passive: You are ordered not to come.
6. Active: March on till it is dark.
Passive: You are ordered to march on till it is dark.
7. Active: Wash the clothes.
Passive: You are ordered to wash the clothes.
8. Active: Water the plants.
Passive: You are ordered to water the plants.
9. Active: Clean the room.
Passive: You are ordered to clean the room.
10. Active: Ring the bell.
Passive: You are ordered to ring the bell.
11. Active: Bring a glass of water.
Passive: You are ordered to bring a glass of water.
12. Active: Don’t go anywhere.
go- intransitive verb
Passive: You are ordered not to go anywhere.
13. Active: Stand up on the bench.
Stand- intransitive verb
Passive: You are ordered to stand up on the bench.
Passive Voice of Sentences containing Request
Active: Please/Kindly+ V1+ object+ other words./
V1+ object+ other words, please/ kindly.
Passive: You are requested (not)+ to+ V1+ object+ other words.
1. Active: Take your seat, please.
Passive: You are requested to take your seat.
2. Active: Please do this work.
Passive: You are requested to do this work.
3. Active: Kindly pay your fees.
Passive: You are requested to pay your fees.
4. Active: Please offer a seat to the elderly.
Passive: You are requested to offer a seat to the elderly.
5. Active: Please come to my party tonight.
Passive: You are requested to come to my party tonight.
6. Active: Do not pluck the flowers.
Passive: You are requested not to pluck the flowers.
7. Active: Please don’t smoke here.
Passive: You are requested not to smoke here.
8. Active: Please take tea.
Passive: You are requested to take tea.
9. Active: Kindly use your pen.
Passive: You are requested to use your pen.
10. Active: Please join me for dinner tonight.
Passive: You are requested to join me for dinner tonight.
Note- यदि Imperative Sentences please या kindly से शुरू या खत्म हो तो passive voice में please या kindly को हटा दिया जाता है।
2. Request वाले sentences में हमें यह check करने की जरूरत नहीं है कि verb transitive है या intransitive क्योंकि Request वाले sentences को बनाने का केवल एक ही structure है जबकि order तथा advice वाले sentences में Transitive और Intransitive verbs के हिसाब से ही passive बनाए जाते हैं।
The passive voice of Sentences containing advice
Active: Don’t+ verb1+ object+ other words.
Passive: Object+ should+ be+ past participle (V3)
Passive: You are advised+(not)+ to+ verb1+ object+ other words
1. Active: Use the zebra crossing.
Passive: Zebra crossing should be used.
2. Active: Obey the traffic rules.
Passive: The traffic rules should be obeyed.
Passive: You are advised to obey the traffic rules.
3. Active: Study your lessons.
Passive: Your lessons should be studied.
4. Active: Think before you speak.
Passive: You are advised to think before you speak.
5. Active: Don’t smoke.
Passive: You are advised not to smoke.
6. Active: Keep silence in the library.
Passive: Silence should be kept in the library.
Passive: You are advised to keep silence in the library.
7. Active: Obey your parents.
Passive: Your parents should be obeyed by you.
8. Active: Go to the doctor for medical check-ups.
Passive: You are advised to go to the doctor for medical check-ups.
9. Active: Don’t eat too much.
Passive: You are advised not to eat too much.
10. Active: Don’t run after money.
Passive: You are advised not to run after money.
Passive Voice of Sentences containing the suggestion
( वो सलाह या सुझाव जिन्हें बड़ी आसानी से टाला जा सकता है।)
Active: Don’t+ verb1+ object+ other words.
Passive: Subject(कर्म)+ should+ not+ be+ verb3+ other words.
Passive: Subject (कर्म)+ should+ never/always+ be+ verb3+ other words.
1. Active: Love the kids.
Passive: The kids should be loved.
(यह एक moral teaching (नैतिकता) है जिसे आसानी से टाल दिया जाता है)
2. Active: Help the needy and poor.
Passive: The needy and poor should be helped.
3. Active: Always speak the truth.
Passive: The truth should always be spoken.
4. Active: Never tell a lie.
Passive: A lie should never be told.
5. Active voice: Consider the possibilities.
Passive voice: Possibilities should be considered.
6. Active: Come on time.
Passive: You are suggested to come on time.
7. Active: Do not drive this car.
Passive: You are suggested not to drive this car.
8. Active: Eat an apple daily.
Passive: An apple should be eaten daily.
Passive: You are suggested to eat an apple daily.
9. Active: Don’t cage the birds.
Passive: The birds should not be caged.
Passive: You are suggested not to cage the birds.
10. Active: Get up early.
Passive: You are suggested to get up early.
Note: Suggestion and Advice में difference
जब हम किसी को suggestion देते है तो यह सुनने वाले पर depend करता है कि वह कहीं गई बात को माने या न माने यानि उस पर किसी भी प्रकार का कोई force (दबाव) नहीं होता है, किसी बात को मानने का। लेकिन जब हम advice देते है तो इसका मतलब यह है कि हम सुनने वाले को insist कर रहे हैं कि वह हमारी बात को माने। यहां उस व्यक्ति के लाभ की ही बात की जाती है जिसे हम advice दे रहे होते है।
Note- Advice या Suggestion के sentence में यदि verb transitive है तो should वाले structure से passive बनायेंगे। अगर verb intransitive है तो You are advised/suggested….इस structure का प्रयोग करके passive बनायेंगे क्योंकि Intransitive में object नहीं दिया होता इसलिए Passive बनाते वक्त हमें कोई भी subject नहीं मिल पाता।
You are advised/suggested+to+V1+other words.
Active: Come on time.
Passive: You are advised to come on time.
Imperative sentences beginning with LET
Commands beginning with Let in active voice can be written in passive voice.
Active: Let + object 1+verb+ object 2+ other
Passive: Let+ object 2+ be+ V3 + by+ object 1+other
1. Active: Let them take it up.
Passive: Let it be taken up by them.
2. Active: Let me do the sum.
Passive: Let the sum be done by me.
3. Active: Let me call her.
Passive: Let her be called by me.
4. Active: Let me handle the situation.
Passive: Let the situation be handled by me.
5. Active: Let me do it.
Passive: Let it be done by me.
6. Active: Let her lift the weight.
Passive: Let the weight be lifted by her.
7. Active: Let us play cricket.
Passive: Let cricket be played by us.
8. Active: Let’s invite all the friends.
Passive: Let all the friends be invited by us.
9. Active: Let us discuss the matter.
Passive: Let the matter be discussed.
10. Active: Let him complete the work.
Passive: Let the work be completed by him.
(जब sentence में 2 की बजाय एक ही object दे रखा हो तब It is suggested that- इस clause को जोड़कर passive बनाएंगे तथा sub. के स्थान पर उस pronoun को रखेंगे जो first object के रूप में आया है।)
Active: Let him study.
Passive: It is suggested that he should study.
Active: Let them work together.
Passive: It is suggested that they should work together.
Active: Let us go now.
Passive: It is suggested that we should go now.
When the sentences start with “Let’s”.
Let’s =Let us
( Shows proposal or suggestion)
Active: Let’s play.
Passive: It is suggested that we should play.
Active: Let’s dance.
Passive: It is suggested that we should dance.
Active: Let’s clean the room together.
Passive: It is suggested that we should clean the room together.
Note- कभी-कभी किसी sentence को पढ़कर हमें यह पता नहीं लग पाता कि यह sentence request show कर रहा है या order या advice तो ऐसी situation में निम्न structure को follow किया जाएगा-
You are asked/told+ to+ V1+ other words.
Active: Open your mouth.
Passive: You are asked/told to open your mouth.
Active: Mend it or end it.
Passive: You are asked to mend it or end it.
Imperative sentences को Passive Voice में change करने के लिए directed, warned, forbidden आदि शब्दों का भी प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।
(Imperative sentences can also be changed to passive voice by using words such as directed, warned, forbidden and so on.)
Active: Don’t park your car here.
Passive: You are forbidden to park your car here. /
You are prohibited from parking your car here.
Note- prohibited के साथ preposition ‘from’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है और इसके बाद आने वाले verb को gerund form में लिखा जाता है यानि V1+ing.
2. एक ही sentence का passive एक से ज्यादा तरीकों से बनाया जा सकता है।
Active: Don’t touch this wire.
Passive: You are warned not to touch this wire. /
You are forbidden to touch this wire.
Active: Don’t read this book.
Passive: You are forbidden to read this book.
Note- forbidden अपने आप में एक negative word है इसलिए इसके साथ ‘not’ लगाने की जरूरत नहीं है। Warned एक positive word है इसलिए इसके साथ not लगाने की जरूरत है। Prohibited भी एक negative word है।
In conclusion, understanding and using the passive voice effectively, especially with imperative sentences, is a key skill in English. It allows you to put emphasis on an action or an object, rather than the person performing it. This article has provided a comprehensive examination of the passive voice and imperative sentences.
( निष्कर्ष में, passive voice को समझना और उसका प्रभावी ढंग से उपयोग करना, विशेष रूप से imperative sentences के साथ, अंग्रेजी में एक महत्वपूर्ण कौशल है। यह आपको किसी action या object पर जोर देने की अनुमति देता है, न कि उसे करने वाले व्यक्ति पर। इस लेख में passive voice और imperative sentences का विस्तृत परीक्षण किया गया है।)
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