Use of There

Use of There in English-Let’s start learning ‘How to use There in English’. There is not a real subject. It is a false subject. It is a complementary subject. It is used to help ‘verb’.

There: किसी अनिश्चित व्यक्ति, वस्तु या स्थान का बोध करवाने के लिए हम there को as a dummy subject रखते हैं। इस दशा में इसका कोई meaning नहीं होता है।

इसे इस प्रकार से भी कहा जा सकता है कि अगर किसी simple sentence में subject और object में से कोई एक न हो, तो उसकी जगह ‘There’ का प्रयोग किया जा सकता है।

For example: A farmer was.(××)

Was a farmer.(××)

There was a farmer.(✓✓)


A farmer was there.(✓✓)

Note-1. ऐसे sentences में subject और object की position को interchange किया जा सकता है।

2. जब there as a dummy subject कार्य करता है, इस दशा में real subject verb के बाद लगाया जाता है और real subject के according ही verb का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

3.जब किसी sentence में there का sense ‘वहां’ का नहीं होता तो ही हम subject और object को एक दूसरे से replace कर सकते है।

4.अगर किसी sentence के objective part की शुरुआत एक preposition से हो रही है तो उस preposition से पहले हम There का use करते है।

(When an objective part starts with a preposition ( e.g. in, at, on etc.) , we use ‘there’ before that preposition.)

Traditionally, we use a plural verb after ‘there’ to talk about a plural noun and we use a singular verb with a singular noun.

There is/was….. अगर एक चीज की बात होती है 

There are/ were…. अगर दो या दो से ज्यादा चीजों की बात होती हैं 

There will be……( For future)

There is water. / Water is there.

There was something./ Something was there.

There were four friends.

There is a temple in my village.

How much petrol is there in your car?

There are some pens on the desks.

There का प्रयोग English Grammar में कई प्रकार से किया जाता है।-

 As a dummy subject

(used to introduce the subject)

There were thousands of people.

There is no water in the bottle.

Is there any train to Delhi?

What is there in your pocket?

There is no salt in this food.

Is there salt? Yes , there is salt.

There is a risk in almost every business.

There will be a holiday tomorrow.

There are twenty rooms in the school.

There is no room in the hall.

How many gardens are there in his city?

There will be thousands of people in the procession.

There is a match between India and Africa in the afternoon tomorrow.

Use of There as an adverb (adverb of place)

THERE( वहां ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌) जब किसी हिन्दी sentence में ‘वहां’ शब्द आ रहा हो अर्थात किसी स्थान को represent किया जा रहा हो तो हम उस ‘वहां’ के लिए There का use करते हैं। इस दशा में यह एक adverb का काम करता है।

I went there to meet Rohit.

Stay there until I come back.

She lives there.

Go there.

May I sit there?

If you want to smoke , go there.

There will be peace there.

There looks a man there.

Use of There as a pronoun

Subject can be either noun or pronoun. Here ‘there’ is working as a pronoun.

Is there a pen I can use to do my homework?

There are four frogs in this well. वन

There is someone in this room.

There is something in his pocket.

Use of There as an adjective

Sometimes, it is used to modify a noun or a pronoun.

She is there to solve your problem.

He is not there.

The teacher is there to help anytime you need assistance.

The boy there is the one who called him a name.

He will be there for me no matter what happens.

Use of There as a noun

Come soon and take it from there.

As soon as the child saw the haunted house, he shrieked,” I am never stepping foot in there!”

We jogged from way over there to the end of the road.

जब वाक्य का subject निश्चित संज्ञा/सर्वनाम (definite noun / pronoun) हो, तो Introductory ‘ There’ का use नहीं होता है।

Ram is in the house.(✓✓)

There is Ram in the house.(××)

There is he.(××)

It is he.(✓✓)

He is in the house. (✓✓)

There is a boy in the house.(✓✓)

There’s a shop on that road.(× ×)

There’s the shop on that road.(√√)

However, we can use a definite noun with ‘there’ when there means ‘in that place’.

There’s the book I was looking for! (in that place is the book I was looking for.)

Has/ Have/Had  वाले sentences को ‘There’ का use करके भी अनुवाद किया जा सकता है।(जहां has/have/ had एक possessive verb का काम करते है।)

A week has seven days./ There are seven days in a week.

I have four cars./ There are four cars with me.

An hour has 60 minutes./ There are 60 minutes in an hour.

Ram had a car./ There was one car with Ram.

Ramesh has nothing in his pocket./ There is nothing in Ramesh’s pocket.

TIME( समय) का बोध करवाने के लिए ‘There’ का use-

There is a meeting next week.

There is a meeting tomorrow.

There is a match in the afternoon.

There is a banquet in the evening.

Interjection- Expressions of feelings, shocked, surprised

There! Finally I’ve done it.

 (finally maine yah kar diya)(expression of satisfaction/relief)

Oh there! Exams are over.

(Thank God! Exams khatam hog aye) ( expression of relief)

There! I can’t accept your point. You should tell me more about it.

There! He didn’t agree with me. He asked me what happened next.

(‘There’ is being used in these sentences as an interjection)

Note- जब ‘There’ के बाद exclamation mark लगा हो तो वहां There interjection का काम करता है।

Helping verbs with there-

There के साथ अलग-2 helping verb का प्रयोग किया जाता है और ये helping verbs समय, टेंस तथा काल के हिसाब से प्रयोग की जाती है। There के साथ is, are, was, were, will, should, would, could, can, may, might, has been, might have been, need इत्यादि का प्रयोग करते है।

(There can be used with any tense of ‘be’, including  ‘modal verb + be’ 

There should be some discipline in the class. 

Mohan didn’t go to school today, there may be some reason.

There must be some misunderstanding.

How many members are there in your family?

There will be two boys there tomorrow.

There should be an AC in this room.

There should not be any noise here.

There will be a problem.

There will be a boy there at 6 o’clock in the evening.

There should be some chairs in this room.

Why are there no flowers in this garden?

There should be sugar in the tea.

How many countries are there in the world?

There was no solution to this problem.

There have been 20 chairs in this room for 2 days.

There has been a mango tree in front of my house  for two years.

There had been a post office opposite my house for 2 years.

There will have been a big building in front of my house for 3 years.

There may be some reason./ There might be some reason.

There must be an understanding amongst us.

There should be peace in the country.

There should be discipline in the class.

There should be no doubt./ There should not be any doubt.

There can be no doubt about it./ There can not be any doubt about it.

There lived an elephant near the river.

There remains the problem of finance.

Note- ‘am’ helping verb का प्रयोग There के साथ तब नहीं होगा जब यह subject का काम करें।

Use of There with question tags

There will be a lot to do, won’t there?

There isn’t a dog in the house, is there?

Paying attention to the meaning and part of speech of this word will help prevent errors when using it in your writing. I hope you like this article ‘Use of There’.

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